
More than 95 years ago Mexico,  that one after the Mexican Revolution,  was rising to develop a society eager for a new life.  A company emerged to provide therapeutic solutions at a fair price, intending to offer well-being by improving the quality of life of society.

It is in 1925 when Chinoin was formally born in Mexico, as a derivation of an antecedent that began in the old continent. In 1912, doctors Kerentsy and Wolf founded in Hungary, Alka Pharmaceutical Chemicals, which came to our nation, under the name Chinoin, Factory of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Products. In 1942 it had to face the transition from being a subsidiary company to a production company, after having lost contact with the Hungarian headquarters, due to the consequences of the Second World War.

Chinoin bases its success during more than 95 years on 5 pillars:

People: The most important asset of the company with more than 1,400 direct collaborators

Products: Alin® and Antiflu-Des® are 2 brands in the top ten of drugs sold in the national pharmaceutical market, adding Neuralin® and Koptin® within the first 100

Quality: At Chinoin, quality is not a parameter to be met, it is a culture that accompanies the manufacture of our medicines throughout the production process and even from its development.

Technology: We have the most advanced manufacturing technology, to mention an example, we were pioneers in the CONSIGMA® continuous granulation system, at its only time in the world, today unique in Latin America

Social Responsibility: Always aware of caring for the environment, we are considered a neutral company by eliminating our carbon footprint by participating in the voluntary purchase of carbon credits and being the first laboratory in Mexico with a trigeneration plant for energy, electricity, steam for production processes and chillers for air conditioning, reducing our polluting emissions by up to 80%

This is us and all the collaborators of the company are proud to be Chinoin People


production plants
Patents Granted or in Process

Investment of

Countries where they export

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